Editorial Board

Submitting Articles


Authors of Articles, Book Reviews and Books Reviewed


Officers and World Wide Offices


Web Journal © PROFMEX ISSN 1535-0630

Article Submission


The editorial board of the Mexico and the World Webjournal is open to submission of articles in all areas of public policy including work for experts in the fields of international relations, economics, management, political science, history, sociology, and geography.


The editorial board encourages the submission of articles in both Spanish and English.  We will publish the text in both languages if translations are available from the author.  We do this is an effort to facilitate the exchange of information amongst Mexican public policy researchers throughout the world. 


The Mexico and the World Webjournal is copyrighted and registered with an ISSN publication number from the Library of Congress.  Individual authors published in webjournal retain rights to their articles and are encouraged to publish this materials in other media. 


Quarterly issues are developed around special topics.  The editorial board encourages proposals by persons who would like develop as guest editors an issue of the journal on a specific topic. Such proposals should carry a justification for the issue and give the names of the contributors, titles of the articles. If abstracts are not available, please state how each of the articles fits into the theme of the special issue proposed. 

All correspondence and editorial activities are carried out electronically.  If you are interested in submitting an article or working on a special issue, please contact us at:

Mexico and the World Webjournal

Editor James Wilkie
Email: jwilkie@profmex.org

Copyright © 2009 PROFMEX. All rights reserved